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Recent Movie Reviews

58 Movie Reviews

Make it longer; change the music

Make this longer. I can't describe to you how many stick fight scene flashes are on the portal. If yours doesn't stand out, it'll die with a 2 or 3/5 and never go anywhere.

Also, please change the music. Who gets their ass kicked to whiny, angsty, teenage crybaby-core music?

Theodor responds:

lol wat

Not bad

If you made them move their heads, bodies, or even their arms while they talked, I would have liked it a lot more. It was a little bland in the animation, but I still 5'd it for creativity.

-Sound quality - great
-Picture quality - pretty good; high-res
-Animation - only seen in Hulk/ Wolverine's mouths
-Plot and voice script - pretty good

If you have them move while they talk (assuming their arms aren't permanently attached and immovable), re-submit this and I think you'll get better ratings.

This reeeally dragged

-Excellent animation
-Good use of 3-D

But this all dragged. In the opening credits you're just watching a headless tankman for like a good 30 seconds before it tweens out. Then again with the guy on the scaffold. It just seemed like you were too proud of each segment of animation that you had to extend a keyframe for a good 50 frames every 30 seconds.

Although the 3-D was very well done, it was a little corny.

Excellent job anyway, and congrats on front page.

Recent Game Reviews

18 Game Reviews

Good so far.

Try adding sound, make the screen area wider, and (as you already mentioned), add more levels.

Props to you for not throwing a screamer into this when the player touches the walls.

Although not too original...

It's still an interesting game. The graphics were well-made, at-least.

I was able to beat it by hitting 'Tab+Enter' whenever a bomb popped up. I got to the end and apparently did a "good job."

I wanted a more surprising ending :P

This Needs Work

For starters, I could beat this game simply by flying my ship above or below the screen and holding the right arrow. But sadly, there is no end to this game.

-Make it so that your ship, which could really use some visual detail, can not fly off-screen.

-Add a loading screen and instructions on how to play.

-Make your ship able to defend itself (i.e. missiles or lasers)

-THINK OF A NEW IDEA! This idea has been beaten to death, and the game itself has been considered boring since the SNES console came into family hosueholds.

Recent Audio Reviews

2 Audio Reviews

Sweet Song!

You kick many asses. To that guy who charges $80,

If you're so fucking high and mighty, chargin money to make people learn how to suck at guitar, why are ON NEWGROUNDS DOT FUCKING COM?

Seriously, get off your high horse, pull your head out fo your ass, and GO FUCK YOURSELF.


To the kid who can't take jealousy the right way,

Dear cunt, just because you can't play guitar for shit doesn't mean you have to go around insulting everyone who's better than you. Post some of yourself playing on here. I'm sure I could record my self with explosive diarrhea than what you could play.

To PissedNinja666,

That was badass. Keep submitting stuff like that!




Joined on 3/13/04

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